Sat 5:30 PM - in Sanctuary
Sun 8:00 AM - in Sanctuary
Sun 11:00 AM - in Sanctuary
Online Worship - Anytime Sunday Mornings
Office Hours: Mon-Friday from 9AM to 2 PM
17906 Garden Lane – Hagerstown, MD 21740
Call: 301-797-5955
  Online Giving  Directions
Sat 5:30 PM - in Sanctuary
Sun 8:00 AM - in Sanctuary
Sun 11:00 AM - in Sanctuary
Online Worship - Anytime Sunday Mornings
17906 Garden Lane – Hagerstown, MD 21740
Call: 301-797-5955
  Online Giving  Directions

Christian Education

A major responsibility of Concordia is to provide Christian education. Christian education is necessary for the spiritual growth of our members and guests. We believe Christian education is essential for all ages. Furthermore, the Bible is the foundation for our teaching.

Sunday School: At 9:30 am on Sunday, we have several Sunday School classes from ages 2 years to adults. These classes are a place to learn about biblical truths and where there is no such thing as a bad question. You will find interactive teaching where all who care to participate by asking and answering questions become part of the teaching and learning process. Go to “Sunday School Schedule” or see below to find the age appropriate class and its meeting location.

Bible Studies: To learn the truths in the Bible, we have Bible studies that primarily study the books of the Bible. One may participate in the questions and answers as much as one feels comfortable. The purpose of the studies is to contribute to your spiritual growth. The current Bible Studies can be found below.

Bible Studies

Small group Bible studies are fellow believers studying God’s word and sharing their understanding and different perspectives. You will discover that you learn more with this interactive involvement. No one is pressured to participate. Best of all, you are with like minded people dedicated to spiritual growth.

The current Bible studies are:

  • Monday: Lifelight Bible Study (Judges) at 7:00 PM in the Luther Room.
  • Sunday: Lifelight Bible Study (Praying Through Life's Challenges) at 9:30 AM in the Outreach Center.
  • Sunday: Bible Study discussing the book Christianity and Wokeness by Owen Strachan at 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary.  

Sunday School

We want to teach everyone the truths of scripture. Most importantly we want to teach these biblical truths to our children, youth, and young adults to give them the knowledge, skills, and values to grow into mature Christians. Sunday School develops a community of believers, gives children a chance to ask questions, and helps children respect, appreciate, and utilize the Bible.

The current Sunday School schedule is:
All Sunday School classes meet at 9:30 am on Sunday morning.

Children's Ministry - Sunday School

   “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6
  • Preschool (Ages 3-5) meet in the Community Center. 
  • Elementary (Grades 1-5) meet in the Community Center.
  • Middle School (Grades 6-8) meet in the Library.

o    This year, our 6-8th graders will be studying Luther’s Small Catechism led by Bernie Davidson

  • High School ( Grades 9-12) – Meeting Room Led by Chip Brown

o    Our 9th-12th graders will be delving into a study of the weekly service readings to gain a deeper understand about what they are saying and teaching. 


©2025 Concordia Lutheran Church, Hagerstown MD
Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
17906 Garden Lane
Hagerstown, MD 21740
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