Missions, Small Groups, & Stephen Ministry
In the Book of Acts chapter 2, Christians are told to use our resources, talents, and time in serving others (missions) as well as members of our church congregation (ministries). Our members are encouraged to participate in missions that serve our local community. Our missions support the primary mission of the church-redemption of the world. We are using our resources, talents, and time to support the following missions:
Local Missions 
Micah's Backpack
Micah’s Backpack is a partnership between Washington County Public Schools, HARC, MD Food Bank, and more than 50 sponsoring churches and community organizations providing bags of food to feed hungry students over the weekend, the Micah’s Backpack program in Washington County follows a model established in Blacksburg, VA. The program is designed to feed hungry students through a partnership between each elementary school and one or more churches/organizations in its community. Brought to Washington County by Trinity Lutheran Church in 2010, the program now serves more than 1,000 students in 34 schools and involves partnerships with more almost 50 churches and organizations. More than 10,000 students in Washington County Public Schools receive free or reduced lunches and for many this lunch will be the last hot meal of the day. Children are especially hungry over the weekend when school is not in session.
Adopt-A-Highway is a program that gives the members of Concordia an opportunity to take care of this beautiful land that God has blessed us with as well as giving back to the community. Many times, through out the year, a group of 14-18 members and youth gather to the Sharpsburg Highway to safely clean up along the sides of the roads restoring them to their natural beauty.
Habitat for Humanity
Financial Support for Missions
- Lutheran Special Education Ministries
- Hagerstown Area Pregnancy Clinic
- Reach of Washington County
- Orphan Grain Train Maryland Division
- Cristo Senor De La Vida
- Fisher House
- Christ Lutheran Church of the Deaf
- Support for Seminary Students
- Support for 2 Missionary Families
- Military Bible Sticks
- Lutheran Bible Translators
Activities in Support of Missions
- Greenery Workshop
- Mission Stitchers
- Sewing Ministry
- Prayer Shawl Ministry
International Missions
- Puerto Rico Mission Team "Roofing Project"
- Concordia Mission Stitchers "Sending Clothing and Blankets around the world"

Small Groups
Small groups are members coming together around some common mission, ministry, or fun activity. The purpose is to build community or to allow individuals to connect with each other around a common interest. Although our Bible studies certainly qualify as “small groups,” they are not included in the list below. Some of the current small groups at Concordia are listed below:
Praise Group

Concordia Wild WingersMission StitchersYouth Minstry and Service
Lutheran Women's Missionary Society
Stephen Ministry
To bear one another’s burdens is the supreme imitation of Jesus. In Galatians 6:2 it states: “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” The Stephen Ministry is a ministry to help people who are hurting. A person may be hurting because of the loss of a loved one or a loved one having cancer. Stephen ministers learn how to listen to, care for, and walk with those going through a difficult time in life.

This ministry is built around three groups of people:
- The Stephen Leaders establish and direct the ministry. They build awareness, recruit and train Stephen Ministers, match care receivers with Stephen Ministers, and supervise and provide continuing education.
- The Stephen Ministers are congregation members trained to offer high-quality, one-to-one Christian care to people going through difficult times. They generally work with only one client at a time. The relationship between the care receiver and a Stephen Minister is confidential. Men are matched with men and women with women.
- The Care Receivers are people receiving care from the Stephen Ministers. Care receivers can be congregation members or others in the community. There is no cost for care receivers.
First Class of Stephen Ministers
While the Stephen Ministry is relatively new at Concordia, it has proven to be a powerful way to help those who are hurting. This ministry has shown to be a blessing to the care givers as well as the care receivers.